about me

There are 2 main reasons why I am putting myself through the turmoil of setting up a website as someone who doesn’t usually do this kind of thing; first of all, I am obsessed with travel and it has reached the point where a mental outlet is required, I also have so much I wish to share which may inspire someone other than myself and a lot of this content will hopefully be beneficial to people like me who also have a hankering for adventure. I’m not one to follow the crowd and I like to do travel my way, so please, indulge in my explorations with me as I talk about my experiences, recommendations and my feelings when on the road. 

Why am I writing a blog?

The second reason- I have recently completed a level 5 TEFL qualification, this allows me to teach English as a foreign language, creating the opportunity to both work remotely and meet a large variety of people from a range of countries. I’m striving to be the best possible teacher for my students, so here I am practicing my spelling, punctuation and grammar. Practice makes perfect. I really hope this demonstrates to my students that I am also working hard to continually improve my English and that this is just one of the many amazing things you can do with the language.


All photos used throughout the website are my own:)